Governors in our school

Woodlands Governors have an important part to play in raising school standards through their key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluating school performance. Governors act as a “critical friend”, challenging and supporting the management team. They are also accountable for monitoring the school’s progress towards development aims, ensuring strong financial control against the budget and that statutory requirements are met. They are not involved with the day-to-day running of the school, which is the responsibility of the Head and the school leadership team.

The Full Governing Body meets once a term and delegates some responsibilities to committees and working groups. Currently at Woodlands there are two main committees: Curriculum and Resources.

 The Curriculum and Resources Committees normally meet twice a term.

There are different categories of Governor:

  • Parent Governors (voted in by the parents and carers)
  • Co-opted Governors (co-opted for their expertise)
  • Staff Governors (voted in by members of the school staff)

All governors are unpaid volunteers, who give their time and enthusiasm freely, and at Woodlands, many have children at the school.

Should a parent wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please do so in writing, care of the school:
Chair of Govenors
C/O Woodlands Academy
Hathaway Gardens
W13 0DH

  • Chair of Govenors: Shirley Kenworthy-Wright
  • Co-opted Governor: Scott Sutherland
  • Co-opted Governor: Charlotte Colgan
  • Co-opted Governor: Mark Goodlake
  • Co-opted Governor: Helene Jolly
  • Co-opted Governor: Lucy Bennison
  • Co-opted Governor: Amy Brair Williamson
  • Co-opted Governor: Miranda Gray
  • Headteacher Governor: Catherine Hasker 
  • Staff Governor: Jane Sherborne
  • Staff Governor: Vacant
  • Parent Governor: Sophie Tolba Elabda
  • Parent Governor: Asma Humayun


Our 5 Year Strategy

Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Woodlands Supplement Funding Agreement

Woodlands Governors Related Parties Disclosure                                                                                                                               

Woodlands Governors Committees and Attendance

Please visit the Grand Union Multi-Academy Trust site for accounts

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service (



Wishing all of our families a Happy and safe Half Term Holiday.  See you all back to school on Monday 4th November 2024.

We have School places available. To apply online please click here