Curriculum Statement of Intent

At Woodlands Academy, the curriculum is designed to: recognise children’s prior learning, provide rich learning experiences, build resilience and become confident learners.

Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum for all pupils by ensuring that the Woodland’s Curriculum is delivered through rich, imaginative and meaningful cross-curricular learning that will inspire children. The curriculum is fun and exciting so that pupils are engaged and passionate about their learning and have a desire to ask questions and solve problems that they are faced with. Reading skills are used to increase pupils’ exposure to vocabulary and deepen their understanding.

Our curriculum meets the statutory requirements of the The National Curriculum and provides other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of our pupils. We accept and celebrate the diversity of our community by ensuring that cultural backgrounds are represented fairly. We value community involvement by inviting families and visitors to celebrate and share experiences such as assemblies, events and festivals. 

We aim for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education. It is important to us that our curriculum considers our pupils’ academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, while considering their physical and mental well-being.

Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our diverse school community. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge and values. We use our School Values (Determination, Respect, Self-belief & Determination) to promote positive attitudes to learning and behaviour. Throughout the curriculum we encourage our pupils to demonstrate responsibility and resilience using the theme of ‘Marvellous Mistakes’. 

We aspire for our pupils to leave Woodlands with a sense of belonging where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, evaluate and make connections about the world we live in. 

You can find out more about the National Curriculum here: The National Curriculum in England.

You can see how our curriculum is mapped out in a detailed termly breakdown which is available in our ‘What are we learning?’ area.

Equal Opportunities

We have an ethos and curriculum which promote equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, creed, class or ability. We emphasise co-operation and respect for one another at all times.

To read our school 5 Year Strategy click here.