Start Primary School in September

Remember, if your child is currently in Nursery at Woodlands, you will still need to apply for a place for them to start Reception. 

You must apply directly to Ealing council. The deadline for applying for primary school is 15th January. Applications received after this date are late and will not be considered until after national offer day.

The national offer day for on time applicants is 19 April 2022. If you apply online you will receive an email in the evening on 16 April confirming the school that has been offered.

Please click here to take a look at the Ealing Council website for further information. 

In-Year Admissions 

You need to apply online to Ealing council direct at

If you wish to contact Ealing Council In-Year admissions please call 020 8828 6339 or email:

 If you would like to arrange a school visit please call 0208 998 2479, or for any further enquires please email the office at

View more information about Starting Reception


Children are admitted to Woodlands Nursery the September after their 3rd birthday. We can put children on our Waiting List after their 2nd birthday. Please visit the school office between 9.30am and 3.00pm during term-time and bring with you a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and proof of address.

Please contact the school if you have any further questions.

View more information about Starting Nursery

We have School places available. To apply online please click here