Wellbeing at Woodlands

At Woodlands, we believe that looking after your Wellbeing and Mental Health is really important. Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do, as we know that it is the foundation for learning. We value the importance of children discussing their feelings and having skills to regulate their emotions. 

Resources for children        Resources for adults

Visit our Wellbeing site for parents for information on:

  • What wellbeing is

  • Supporting children’s wellbeing

  • Supporting your own wellbeing

  • Contacts for support

  • Upcoming workshop information  on wellbeing

How we support families

We aim to support families and to ensure that their needs are being met.

What we can help with:

  • Letters of support for Housing
  • Benefit Support
  • Parenting Advice and Support
  • Signposting to mental health and wellbeing support. We work with the Ealing Mental Health Support Team for families who need support. 
  • Concerns you may have at home
  • Parent Volunteering

We will ensure that we work together to plan and provide the right level of support for you and your family. Woodlands offers a calm & supportive environment.

Felix Project

The Felix Project has been supporting Woodlands Academy for the last three years. They deliver food to us on a weekly basis that has been redistributed from local supermarkets, restaurants and other suppliers who are unable to sell and then donate to The Felix Project.

Every Monday we receive a delivery of surplus food which is available to our children and their families. 

If you and your family are experiencing financial hardship and need assistance then please contact the school office.

You can find out more about the Felix Project – https://thefelixproject.org/about/our-story

What is The Felix Project?

The Felix Project is a food redistribution charity. We collect food that would otherwise go to waste, but is perfectly fine to eat, and distribute it to schools and charities across London.

What is the schools programme?

The Felix Project Schools Programme is a programme through which schools across the country can contribute to reducing food waste and all the associated consequences, for example the emissions of CO2 and methane. We will work with your school to develop awareness and skills around the issue of food waste and we will take practical action against it. Together we will be making a difference! 

 A weekly delivery of food

We will receive a delivery of produce from The Felix Project every week that will be made available to you  every Monday. Just by using this food and averting it going to landfill, you will be preventing the same amount of environmental damage as a car driving around the globe twice every year! 

Get involved

The Felix Project are always looking for volunteers to help them drive their vans, go out as a co-driver (no need for a driving licence) or sort food at the warehouse and keep it clean and organised. If you are interested please visit our website and register! Become a volunteer – https://thefelixproject.org/help-us/volunteer-london

Links to Local Support Agencies

Family Lives: familylives.org.uk

The Citizens Trust: thecitizenstrust.org.uk

Catalyst Employment: catalystgateway.org.uk

Help & Advice Over The Summer Holidays

See below for links to useful services, organisations and activities in Ealing:

Ealing Foodbank
Look at the ‘Do you need help’ section on the front page. Use the Freephone number to call the Citizens Advice Bureau and get a referral to the foodbank:

Ealing Family Directory
Access general family support information here:

SAFE- Supportive Action for Families in Ealing
If you are struggling to manage at home and need support with parenting, financial or relationship difficulties you can make a self-referral by phone or email:

Home Start- Ealing
Parent to parent support service. Self-referrals can be made by phone:

Ealing Together
Ealing Together was set up to support people through the pandemic. If you can’t get to the shops for any Covid related reasons, contact them for support:

Healthy Homes Ealing/Green doctor fuel vouchers
Support if you are struggling with energy bills and have a prepay meter:

Ealing’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme 
The Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Programme is funded by the Department for Education to provide free holiday activities and a healthy nutritional meal for school-aged children (Reception to Y11) who are in receipt of  benefits-related free school meals.   


Supermarket Vouchers for July 2023
Ealing Council are planning to once again use part of this fund to provide families with children eligible for benefit related free school meals with vouchers for the Summer school holiday 2023.  See how to apply for your vouchers here. The school will not longer be involved in sending out vouchers; you must apply directly by following the instructions on the letter. 


To read our school 5 Year Strategy click here.